Saturday, 6 January 2024

How to work smarter not harder in(2024)

There are many strategies and tips that can help you work smart in business, such as:

° Creating a morning routine that helps you start your day with focus, clarity, and motivation.

° Keeping your to-do list short and prioritizing the most important and challenging tasks.

° Establishing a closing routine that helps you wrap up your day and prepare for the next one.

° Delegating more tasks that can be done by others, and focusing on your core competencies.

° Focusing on high-impact tasks that have the greatest long-term impact on your business performance and success. 

° Knowing when to quit and taking breaks when you feel tired, stuck, or unproductive.

° Batching activities that are similar or related, and avoiding multitasking and distractions.

° Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

° Using online tools and resources that can help you with various aspects of your business.

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